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Manuscript for the Journal of Audiology and Otology Check List

Title of article :     ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Author(s) :      _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Check points Check
Mandatory components of a manuscript:
Manuscript layouts. Manuscript should be prepared in following orders:
1. Original Article: title page, inner title page, abstract, introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion, conclusion, references, table, and figure legends.
2. Case Report: title page, inner title page, abstract, introduction, case report, discussion, conclusion, references, table, and figure legends.
3. Review Article: title page, inner title page, abstract, introduction, subdivisions, conclusion, references, table, and figure legends.
Language. Text should be written in fluent, plain, readable American or English-style English
Title page :
Components. The title page must contain all of the followings; clear title, name and affiliation of all authors, information of the corresponding author (address, telephone number, fax number, and e-mail address), and running head.
Inner title page :
Only title of the manuscript is listed. Any information on the authors and corresponding author is not shown on the inner title page.
Abstract :
Words count. Abstract should have no longer than 250 words.
Key words. Up to five keywords or phrases suitable for use in an index can be given.
Text :
Format. Text is written in 12 point fonts with double line spacing on A4 paper.
Figures and tables. Cite in numerical order as they are first mentioned in the text.
References :
Style. References are described following the rules of the Journal of Audiology and Otology.
Tables :
Style. Table style should follow the conventional rules of the Journal of Audiology and Otology. Tables should be self- explanatory, and the data they contain must not be duplicated in the text or figures.
Figures and Figure legends :
Figure resolution. Author must guarantee the quality of figures. It should be noted that the manuscript could be rejected if print-suitable high quality figures are not provided at the initial phase of submission.
Figure legend. Figure legend should be self-explanatory. Abbreviations should not be used and the present tense must be used for the description. Appropriate description of dyeing method and magnification for histological figure should be provided.

Date: ______________________________

Editorial office use only

□ suitable for review process     □ a qualified consent for submission acceptance     □ needs author’s correction

Date: ______________________________

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  • Journal Impact Factor 1.1
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Tel: +82-2-3784-8551    Fax: +82-0505-115-8551    E-mail: jao@smileml.com                

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